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NEA Event.jfif
  • National Pitch Contest 

  • Entrepreneur & Small Biz Conference

  • Entrepreneurs Forum

  • Step Into Your Greatness

  • The Red Party Holiday Mixer

  • Entrepreneur Town Hall

  • Entrepreneur Training & Certification


The National Entrepreneurs Association prides itself on providing quality meetings and events for its members and guests. We feature only the best speakers and trainers in the country, presenting relevant content especially for entrepreneurs. This page highlights upcoming NEA events held monthly, both virtually and in person.


If you have questions about upcoming events or would like to help launch a chapter in your area call us at 248-416-7278 or send an email to

January Event (Reoccurring)

Power Networking Team Meetings

Mondays at Noon

Start the new year building your network. Research shows that you can achieve more by working with a team of success minded individuals than you can working alone. NEA Power Networking Teams meet once a month on Zoom to provide you with the support you need to grow your business.


You'll have an opportunity to connect and learn from some of the most creative minds in entrepreneurship and small business. You must be a member to participate.


Team meetings are held on Mondays at Noon every month. If you are a member and you would like to attend a power networking team meeting send an email to or call 248-416-7278. 

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February Event

An Evening of Inspiration: Step into Your Greatness Feb 25, 2021 at 5:30pm


Attend "An Evening of Inspiration: Step into Your Greatness" and connect with extraordinary entrepreneurs & influencers while becoming empowered to pursue your dreams. You'll leave inspired and ready to tap into your own greatness at a deeper level.

Our Keynote Speaker will be Dr. Geneva Williams, Award Winning Non-Profit Leader, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Author and Podcaster. In addition, You will have an opportunity to learn from the personal stories of successful entrepreneurs who overcame great obstacles to achieve their goals. You will also meet the National leadership team and learn how you can become involved.

Get inspired, Learn, Connect and Grow at the 2021 Step Into Your Greatness Charity Event on Zoom!
NEA is a 501c3 and all proceeds support entrepreneur training.

Attendees are asked to wear black attire. 

Donation $25.

March Event

Venture Summit, March 16 - 18 2021 from 8am to 5pm PST

Come meet, interact and network online with more than 1,500 VCs, Corporate VCs, angel investors, industry execs and founders of venture backed, emerging and early stage companies at the prestigious  Venture Summit Virtual Connect West being held virtually on March 16th-18th 2021. Whether you’re a startup seeking capital and exposure, or an investor seeking new deals, Venture Summit Virtual Connect West presented by youngStartup Ventures - is the event of the year you won't want to miss.


National Entrepreneurs Association has made special arrangement for our network to receive a unique discount of an additional 20% off the existing “early bird" savings. This conference will be attended by the best people in the industry. Please register early to avoid disappointment.


Register Now and Save  

(Use promo code "NEAVIP”)

A highly productive venture conference, Venture Summit Virtual Connect West will bring together over 1,500 VCs, Corporate VCs, Angel Investors, Industry executives and founders of venture backed, emerging and early stage companies; will feature One-on-One networking (online), more than 150 VCs as speakers/ judges; Venture panels, startup workshops, presentations by more than 100 Top Innovators and Keynotes.

March Event

2021 National Virtual Pitch Contest

March 24, 2021 from 5pm to 7pm ET

10 finalists will be selected in a nationwide search to pitch to a national audience on March 24, 2021 at 5pm EST. This contest is a 3 minute pitch for existing businesses and its free to attend but space is limited.


First and second place winners will be selected to win cash and prizes totaling over $5000. The first place winner will be selected by a distinguished panel of judges. The second place winner will be selected by the audience.  


The first place winner will receive $2000, a free Dell computer and a one year membership to the National Entrepreneurs Association! The second place winner will receive $500, a Dell computer and a one year membership to the National Entrepreneurs Association. (computer giveaways determined by Dell).


Application deadline is March 1st. To apply to pitch or to register to attend visit our 2021 pitch event page Here!

March Event

YE Meet and Greet

March 10, 2021 from 6pm to 7pm ET

Join us for the first annual young entrepreneurs virtual meet and greet and connect with some of today's most dynamic entrepreneurs!

You’ll learn powerful growth strategies for your business and network with some of the leading entrepreneurs and influencers of your generation. You'll meet the leadership team, learn how we help entrepreneurs grow and how you can get involved!

NEA Young Entrepreneurs is a sub committee of the National Entrepreneurs Association created to engage and empower young entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 40. The group meets regularly for networking, mentoring and training. Registration is free. Click here to

Register Now!

April Event

Power Networking Team Meetings

Mondays at Noon

Spring into spring building your network. Research shows that you can achieve more by working with a team of success minded individuals than you can working alone. NEA Power Networking Teams meet once a month on Zoom to provide you with the support you need to grow your business.


You'll have an opportunity to connect and learn from some of the most creative minds in entrepreneurship and small business. You must be a member to participate.


Team meetings are held on Mondays at Noon every month. If you are a member and you would like to attend a power networking team meeting send an email to or call 248-416-7278. 

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May Event

Entrepreneurs Forum with Keynote Speaker Amy Cosper, Former Editor and Chief of Entrepreneur Magazine & Current Editor and Chief of Family Business Magazine May 21, 2021

Learn NEW ways to grow your business at TRANSFORMATION. This event will include an entrepreneur's expo, financial resource panel, speed networking and keynote speakers.

The Entrepreneurs Forum was started in 2011 to bring influencers, business owners and resource providers together to discuss the issues of the day while networking with like-minded entrepreneurs.


Our theme this year is Transformation. Entrepreneurs must be flexible while exploring new ways to grow and differentiate in a crowded marketplace.  Early Registration is $47.


To learn more or to inquire about exhibit and   sponsorship opportunities call 248-416-7278 or click here to visit conference event page. Register Now!

2021 Entrepreneurs Forum Transformation

June Event

Young Entrepreneurs June Lunch and Learn: The One Page Business Plan

June 15, 2021 from 12pm to 1pm EST

Join us for a Virtual Lunch and Learn on Zoom and discover why thousands of corporations, small businesses and entrepreneurs around the world use the one page business plan to take their businesses to new levels of success.


Keynote Speaker and Entrepreneur Keith Crispen knows what it takes to put together a quality business plan. He started a firm, The Crispen Group, to help startups and nonprofits connect to capital in 2008. Since inception they have netted $17.2 million in capital for startups. During this event you will learn how "The One Page Business Plan" can help you clarify your vision, define your market strategy, understand your customers better, persuade funders and investors, project your financial future & keep you on track.


You'll also have an opportunity to network and connect with some of the most dynamic young adult entrepreneurs in the country. This event is being brought to you by NEA Young Entrepreneurs.

Register Now!

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June Event

NEA June Lunch and Learn: Three Communication Strategies to Increase Prospects and Profits

June 23, 2021 from 12pm to 1pm EST.

Whether you work in person or virtually, having strong communication skills is vital to the success of your business. Join us for a dynamic virtual lunch and learn on Zoom and discover three powerful communication strategies that will help you develop greater confidence, build trust with prospects and clients and close more business than ever. 

Our keynote speaker will be Monica Levin. Monica is an author and speaker who has discovered that consistent application of intuition, mindset, and body language skills helps us become more certain, confident, joyous, healthy, connected, and abundant! 

Finally, you'll have an opportunity to network and connect with entrepreneurs and professionals during our networking activity. Members attend free. Non-members $20. Register Now!

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July Summer Break

NEA Annual Summer Break

Each summer NEA takes a break during the summer months to prepare for the coming NEA Calendar year which runs from September through June.


We are hard at work planning great programs for our members and guests. Go to our home page and join our mailing list to make sure you don't miss exciting upcoming events.


Stay in touch and see you in September!

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August Event

2021 National Virtual Pitch Contest Part II Aug 18, 2021 5pm to 7pm ET

10 finalists will be selected in a nationwide search to pitch to a national audience on August 18, 2021 at 5pm ET. This contest is a 3 minute pitch for existing businesses and its free to attend but space is limited.


First, second and third place winners will be selected to win cash and prizes totaling over $7500. The first place winner will be selected by a distinguished panel of judges. The third place winner will be selected by the audience.  


The first place winner will receive $2000, a free Dell computer and a one year membership to the National Entrepreneurs Association! The second place winner will receive $1000, a Dell computer and a one year membership to the National Entrepreneurs Association. The third place winner will receive $500, a Dell computer and a one year membership to the National Entrepreneurs Association (computer giveaways determined by Dell).

Application deadline was July 1, 2021.


To attend. Register Now!

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September Event

NEA in the Park: Mix and Mingle

Sept 1, 2021 5:30pm to 7:30pm ET

Join us for our first LIVE event this year! The National Entrepreneurs Association of Michigan in partnership with NEA Young Entrepreneurs present "NEA IN THE PARK" a mix and mingle designed to connect like minded entrepreneurs for professional growth and opportunities.


All entrepreneurs are invited to attend however RSVP required for all in attendance.


This event will include:

  • Refreshments

  • Networking Activities

  • Jazz Music

  • Giveaways

Register Now!

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September Event

Power Networking Team Meetings

Resume Mondays at Noon

Members only Virtual Power Networking are back with NEW teams and a NEW format! Join in and get the information and support you need to take your business to NEW levels! NEA Power Networking Teams meet once a month on Zoom.


You'll have an opportunity to connect with success minded NEA members who are willing to give you a hand up. Learn from some of the most creative minds in entrepreneurship and small business. You must be a member to participate. 


Team meetings are held on Mondays at Noon. If you are a member of NEA and you would like to attend a power networking team meeting send an email to or call 248-416-7278. 

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September Event

Entrepreneur Bootcamp and Certification Program: Orientation September 27th at 6pm ET on Zoom

The Entrepreneur Bootcamp and Certification Program presented by the National Entrepreneurs Association and Comerica Bank is a 9 week course that will help you understand entrepreneurship from A to Z, avoid common pitfalls, accelerate your growth and achieve your business goals faster than you thought possible.

Our certification serves as assurance to those you do business with, that you are proficient in your knowledge of entrepreneurship. It demonstrates that you've been vetted and that you've taken the time to learn all aspects of running a business, not just your niche. Graduates of the program will receive an official certificate and seal from the National Entrepreneurs Association and will be listed on our website as a "Certified Entrepreneur." Apply now and get the edge you need to pursue your dreams and beat the odds.

To learn more or to register visit the web page Here

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October Event

The White Label World Expo

New York 2021, Sept 30th & Oct 1st

The ultimate destination for resellers and branding experts is finally back! The White Label World Expo will be held at the Javits Center New York on September 30 & October 1, and is 100% free-to-attend! Experience the awe-inspiring knowledge of hundreds of speakers from the likes of Google, Amazon, PayPal, and more!


Retail and branding experts will gather to source all of the newest products and services, maximize their profitability and discover new ways to generate revenue - The White Label World Expo is an unparalleled, cutting-edge event covering the ins & outs of eCommerce and retail capabilities.

Register for your Free Ticket now!

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October Event

Activate: Metro Detroit Start Up and Small Business Conference, Oct 15th

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur who needs some help getting your idea off the ground? Or are you a current small business owner looking for ways to elevate your business to the next level? If so, join us at Activate: Metro Detroit Start Up & Small Business Conference. 

Tickets include breakfast, lunch, sessions, and networking opportunities. The program will include seminars, panel discussions, and networking opportunities to help you in the next stage of your entrepreneurial journey.


Vendors will be on hand that can provide assistance with all of your small business needs as well! If you are looking for information on how to "Activate" your business, this is an event you will not want to miss. 

Register at

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November Event

Entrepreneur Trivia/Game Night: November 10, 2021

Join us for a night of entrepreneur trivia and win big while learning vital information about entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs will have an opportunity to network, answer trivia questions and win cool prizes to help them grow their businesses.


Hosted by the NEA Young Entrepreneurs Committee.


Members attend free. Guests $20.

Register Now!

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December Event

Entrepreneur and Small Business Conference: December 1, 2021

Join us for networking and learning and hear from some of the best and brightest entrepreneurs in the country at the 2021 Entrepreneur and Small Business Conference: Accelerate Success

You'll learn from experienced professional new strategies to accelerate the growth of your business. 


  • Dynamic Keynote Speakers

  • Panel Discussion

  • Facilitated Networking Activities

  • Resources for your Business

  • Giveaways and more

Members attend free. Guests $47.

Register Now!

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December Event

Entrepreneur Bootcamp and Certification Virtual Graduation 

December 6, 2021 at 6pm ET

You are cordially invited to attend a virtual graduation ceremony. After 9 weeks of training and preparation, the graduates of the first NEA Comerica Entrepreneur Bootcamp and Certification program will be recognized for their achievements. Join us for this entrepreneurial celebration.


Our keynote speaker will be Paul Jones. who founded TIVA Capital Advisors, a “virtual CFO company, focusing on data analytics, financial literacy and value extraction. In the previous 10 years, Mr. Jones was co-founder & CEO of IPX EG International; a telecom company domiciled in west Africa. Under Paul’s leadership; IPX grew from start-up to $20mm annual sales with over 100 employees.

  • Meet the graduates of Cohort I

  • Hear a powerful message from our keynote speaker

  • Learn how you can become an NEA certified entrepreneur

Register Now

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December Event

Power Networking Team Meeting

Holiday Edition Monday December 13, 2021 at 12pm ET

Join us and get the information and support you need to take your business to NEW levels! NEA Power Networking Teams meet once a month on Zoom. In December we wear red in honor of the holiday season.

You'll have an opportunity to connect with success minded NEA members. Learn from some of the most creative minds in entrepreneurship and small business. You must be a member to participate. 

Team meetings are held on Mondays at 12pm ET. If you are a member of NEA and you would like to attend a power networking team meeting send an email to or call 248-416-7278. 

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January Event

Entrepreneur Bootcamp and Certification Program: Orientation January 24,2022 at 6pm ET on Zoom

The Entrepreneur Bootcamp and Certification Program presented by the National Entrepreneurs Association and Comerica Bank is a 9 week course that will help you understand entrepreneurship from A to Z, avoid common pitfalls, accelerate your growth and achieve your business goals faster than you thought possible.

Our certification serves as assurance to those you do business with, that you are proficient in your knowledge of entrepreneurship. It demonstrates that you've been vetted and that you've taken the time to learn all aspects of running a business, not just your niche. Graduates of the program will receive an official certificate and seal from the National Entrepreneurs Association and will be listed on our website as a "Certified Entrepreneur." Apply now and get the edge you need to pursue your dreams. 

To learn more or to register visit the web page Here

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© 2021 National Entrepreneurs Association

National Entrepreneurs Association​

​Phone: 248-416-7278
Address​​​​​​: 18444 W 10 Mile Road Suite 103

Southfield, MI 48075

Contact Us
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